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How to make Twitch accept donations

How to make Twitch accept donations. If you stream on Twitch, you might be thinking about how you can get donations from your streams. Fortunately, setting up your channel to accept donations is relatively easy.

In this piece, you’ll learn how to use Streamlabs, the PayPal Donation Button, and Bits to add donations to your Twitch channel.

How to Add Donations to Your Twitch Stream

Bits is a good choice if you want to accept donations on your Twitch stream. The Twitch platform has its currency called “bits.” Like paper money, the currency has real-world value.

But it would help if you were an affiliate or partner on the platform to accept donations in Bits. To become a member, you need to have some form of interaction with the Twitch community and quality content that appeals to them.

As a partner, you immediately qualify to get Bits from viewers through the message box. You don’t have to do any setup. You can also bring it a step further and accept subscriptions from your viewers.

How to Add Donation to Twitch PayPal

Accepting donations from your Twitch viewers is easier if you have a PayPal account. First, you can ask your viewers to donate by giving them the account’s email address in the chat or under the “About” section. You can also use, a famous PayPal service that lets you accept payments through a special link instead of an email address.

A complicated payment process can turn off people who want to donate to your stream. That’s where a button for PayPal donations comes in. Streamlining the donation process makes it easier for your fans to donate with just a click of a button.

Set it up as follows:

  1. Go to your PayPal account and sign in.
  2. Go to “Pay & Get Paid>Accept payments>Payment buttons.”
  3. A window with various widget tips should now be visible. Click on the “Donate Button.”
  4. In the new window, click the widget that says “Put a button on your website.”
  5. Choose the settings you want for your PayPal button. You can also have your button by uploading a custom picture that fits your Twitch Brand. Then, click “Next” to move on.
  6. You can post a custom logo to fit your donation page. Last but not least, type in a sincere message and proceed.
  7. You can post a custom logo to fit your donation page. Last but not least, type in a sincere message and proceed.
  8. Select your chosen currency and other settings for your donation on the text widget.


You should see a link to your PayPal donation page that you can share. Currently, if you have the link to your donation page, add it to your Twitch channel. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Go back to your screen on Twitch.
  2. Connect to the picture of the user in the top right spot.
  3. Choose the “Channel”
  4. Click on “Chat” in the new window.
  5. It should open a new window. Next, turn on the “Edit Panels” toggle switch at the bottom of the page.
  6. You should see some of your open panels in a new window. First, select the empty widget with the plus sign in the middle, which is located near the bottom.
  7. To proceed, select “Add a text or image panel.”
  8. Give your donation a fitting title and description. Most importantly, under “Image Links To,” put the link you made on the PayPal website that can be shared.
  9. Send in the widget you just made.

Now, when your people watch your stream, they can see the widget for donations. Then, when they click on it, they will be taken to your PayPal donation page, where they can give money.

How to Add Donations to Twitch in Streamlabs

Streamlabs is one of the most famous platforms that Twitch streamers use to get donations and tips. Also, the platform doesn’t take any of your donations, except for the fees that PayPal charges for each transaction.

Here’s how to use the platform to set up donations for your Twitch channel:

  1. Sign up for an account at Then, use the choice to sign in with a Twitch account to make the whole process of boarding easier. You can also sign up on other sites, though.
  2. In your dashboard’s search box, type “Donations Settings.”
  3. A replacement window should open with a list of all the payment ways to use. Click on PayPal, which is the most popular choice on the list.
  4. The PayPal onboarding process should be explained by a widget that pops up in a modal window. Then, click the “Connect” button.
  5. This will send you to the PayPal site to verify your account. Follow what the wizard says to do. Machines do the entire process.
  6. After the PayPal sign-up process, click “Go back to Streamlabs.”
  7. You should now be capable of seeing that PayPal is linked. To modify your donation choices, click “Settings.”
  8. Choose the settings you want for your donations, such as a banner picture, a minimum amount, a preferred amount, and so on.
  9. You should see a link to your donation page under “Your Page.” You can now transfer this link with your Twitch viewers.

Voila! With Streamlabs, you can now accept donations from Twitch. Of the system, you can also use other ways to pay, and the setup is the same as we discussed above.

But it’s not enough to have the link to the donation page. The people who watch you on Twitch need to know that you have a donation page. So go ahead and add the link to your Twitch channel. Please look at the steps above to see how to add donations from Twitch to your PayPal account.

How to Add Donations to Twitch on a Mobile Device

Setting up Twitch donations on a mobile phone is a different process. The interface is the main thing that makes a cell phone different.

There is also a mobile app for Streamlabs. Unfortunately, donation Settings are missing from the app, which is a shame. To finish the Donation setup, you must head to the Streamlabs website.

Here’s what you should do:

  1. First, you can use Twitch to log in to your Streamlabs account on your phone.
  2. Go to “Settings” and connect your PayPal account.
  3. Then, press and hold the link to your tip page and copy it. It’s in shiny letters at the top of the page. It’s impossible to miss.
  4. Go to Twitch. Tv and tap the “aA” in the top right corner.
  5. Pick the choice that says “Request Desktop Website.” You should now see a website interface that looks like the one on a desktop computer.
  6. Navigate to “Channel” by clicking on your profile picture at the top right.
  7. Go to the “About” or “Chat” section and click “Edit panels.”
  8. To fill in the link to your tip page that you copied from the Streamlabs website, click on the empty widget at the bottom and proceed.
  9. Submit the form and you’re done.

Setting up a donation on a mobile phone isn’t one of the most straightforward tasks. However, it is doable.

Start Receiving Donations for Your Twitch Streams

It’s easy to accept donations on your Twitch stream. Thanks to the variety of options available, you’re sure to find a donation method that works best for you in the Twitch community. Also, setting them up takes only a few minutes.

Which of the donation, as mentioned earlier choices have you used? What did you think of it? Then, please tell us what you think in the section below.

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